Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

According to Act 34/2002, regarding Services Information Society and Electronic Trade Services, we inform you that this website belongs to CREACIONES JUMI, SLU, (hereafter «THE OWNER»), with Tax Number B17.040.205, C/.Vallespir, 23 (OLOT), phone number 972263939.


The entire content of this website, including text, images, graphs and designs belongs to THE OWNER or third parties who have authorized its use. THE OWNER of the card presents this kind of content for informational and promotional aims. THE OWNER exclusively authorizes its use for these purposes. Any use of the designs, images or texts must specifically quote its belonging to THE OWNER, who keeps its right to initiate the appropriate legal actions to repair the damages caused for any violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights.


THE OWNER is committed to protect the privacy of the users who access the website or any of its services. The use of the website and/or any of the services offered by THE OWNER implies the acceptance by the user of the regulation included in this privacy policy and to process its personal data according to what is stated in there. Please, consider that despite the fact that our website could be linked to other websites, this privacy policy does not apply to other companies or organizations websites where our website can be redirected. THE OWNER neither controls nor accepts any responsibility for the content or the privacy policies of third parties websites.

Questions about privacy

According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, (GDPR), we offer the following information with regard to the processing of personal data.

Who is responsible for data processing


Our data listed at the beginning of this legal notice

¿Why do we process your personal data?

  • We process the information that you provide us and verifies our services and products.
  • If you give us your consent, we can also use your personal data to send you information about our activities, products or services.
  • If you participate in any of the raffles or contests that we publish, your name and surname as well as your own image could appear in the different spaces and means of communications and dissemination that we use (including social networks), with the objective of promoting our activities, products and services.

For how long do we store your data?

Los datos personales facilitados serán conservados mientras sea usuario de nuestros servicios o desee recibir más información, y si usted participa en una promoción mientras ésta esté activa y luego, durante los plazos establecidos para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones es legal.

What is the legitimacy for your data processing?

The legal base for your data processing is:

  • Consents provided to us
  • Contractual relationship
  • Compliance with a legal obligation to which the responsible is subject

With respect to the information that is sent by a child who is below the age of 16 years, it is understood that such processing has been authorized by the holder of parental responsibility of the child. Otherwise, the legal representative of the child shall notify us as soon as he has knowledge.

¿Which beneficiaries will communicate their data?

Data will not be communicated to third parties, unless being mandatory by law or being necessary to accomplish the purpose of the treatment.

Which are your rights when you provide us your data?

  • Everyone has the right to obtain a confirmation regarding the processing of its personal data.
  • Interested parties have the right to access their personal data as well as to request the rectification of incorrect data or, if needed, ask for its elimination when, among other reasons, the data would no longer be necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of their personal data processing. In this case, it will only be used for the exercise or the defense of claims.
  • The interested parties could also refute the processing of their personal data under certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation. In this case, we will stop processing them, except for legitimate or imperative reasons for the exercise or defense of any claim.
  • The interested parties also have the right to data portability.
  • Finally, the interested parties have the right to present a complaint to the competent Control authority.

¿How can I exercise my rights?

By sending a written request attaching a copy of an identity document to our postal or electronic address.

¿How have we obtained your data?

Los datos personales que tratamos proceden de la parte interesada, que garantiza que los datos personales facilitados son veraces y es responsable de comunicar cualquier modificación. Los datos marcados con un asterisco son obligatorios para poder proporcionarle el servicio solicitado.

¿Which data do we process?

The categories of data that can be processed are:

  • Identification data.
  • Email or postal address.
  • Other requested information.

Data are limited, given that we only process the necessary data to provide our services and manage our activities.

¿Do we use cookies?

By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies. The user can set its browser to receive information about the use of cookies and to avoid it. You can find further information in our cookies policy.

¿What security measures do we follow?

We apply the security measures stated in art. 32 GDPR. Consequently, we have adopted the necessary security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of data processing with mechanisms to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services.

Some of these measures are:

  • Information regarding personal data processing policy.
  • Periodic execution of backups.
  • Data access control.
  • Verification, evaluation and periodic valuation procedures.


THE OWNER acts with its best diligence to ensure that the information and data offered on its website is updated at all times. However, neither guarantees nor assumes responsibility for the accuracy and updating of the contents of the website and it is subject to change without notice the content at any time. THE OWNER will not be responsible either of the information that can be obtained through links included on the website.

Business relationships with customers are governed by general conditions that in case of being necessary are stated by THE OWNER in a specific document for these purposes, or by specific agreements that may be set with the clients.


By using this website you are fully accepting the terms of this legal notice. Any possible conflict related to this website will be will exclusively be governed by The Spanish Government law. All the website users, regardless of their territorial jurisdiction, accept the accomplishment and respect of the resignation clauses to any other act that may correspond to them.